Welcome to the best online fashion store in Nigeria!


What Shipping Methods Are Available?

We offer local delivery within Lagos and use DHL or GIG for shipping outside Lagos. For international shipments outside Nigeria, we utilize DHL.

Do You Ship Internationally?

Yes we do. Kindly place orders for international shipping in our dm on instagram @brags.ng_

How Long Will It Take To Get My Package?

For deliveries within Lagos, it typically takes 24-48 hours. Outside Lagos deliveries usually arrive within 3-5 business days. Shipments to rural areas and private universities in Nigeria generally take 3-7 business days. International deliveries outside Nigeria typically arrive within 14 business days.


What Payment Methods Are Accepted?

We accept payments through Paystack. Here’s a brief note on the payment methods supported by Paystack: Paystack allows you to make payments using various methods such as debit cards, bank transfers, and mobile money, offering a convenient and secure way to complete your transactions.

Is Buying On-Line Safe?

Buying online can be safe if you take precautions. It’s essential to be cautious when shopping online, but rest assured that our platform is secure, safe, and fast for your transactions. We prioritize your security and ensure a smooth shopping experience for you.

Orders & Returns

How do I place an Order?

To place an order on our e-commerce site, you usually follow these steps:
1. Browse the website and select the item you want to purchase.
2. Add the item to your cart by clicking on the “Add to Cart” button.
3. Once you have all your items in the cart, proceed to checkout.
4. Enter your shipping address and payment information.
5. Review your order to ensure everything is correct.
6. Confirm the order by clicking on the “Place Order” or “Complete Purchase” button.
7. You will receive a confirmation email with details of your order.

Do I need an account to place an order?

no you do not

How Do I Track My Order?

You can look out for an email with your order tracking details, and then you can track your order on our website. Your order number will be included in the email once we’ve received your payment.

How Can I Return a Product?

kindly send us an email or a dm on instagram 

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